It’s my favorite night of the week and it ain’t called FRI-YAY for nothing! It means hanging out with the fam, decompression from the weekly grind, a little bit of wine, and a few slices of pizza. Read more »
broccoli rabe + sausage pizza
rigatoni + pork ragu
I hear we may be getting snow in the northeast this weekend…
And, if you were to peek into my kitchen on a blustery December or January Saturday night, this is what I’d be serving up… Read more »
little trees + big trees: broccoli soup
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. Our bellies and hearts were very full this year. We hosted a disproportionately large feast with just our little family and my parents. It was what holiday dreams are made of… lounging on the couch between courses of carbohydrate-laden food, hanging with the fam, sipping wine, and taking in cheesy movies and football. Read more »
thanksgiving + turkey
to the tune of Adele’s “Hello”. Click here and press play
Hello, it’s me
I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to eat
To go over… everything
They say that time’s supposed to heal ya
But I ain’t done much blogging Read more »