Good day, food lovers! I hope your Memorial Day weekend was filled with cool summer drinks, smoky barbecue, and maybe even some toes in the sand. Hopefully, you were more prepared to resume the grind than I was on this lovely Tuesday (not at all). It seems that the better my weekends get, the harder it is to come back to the 9 – 5 reality that supports this lifestyle. Kind of like a “fun hangover.” Anyone else feel this way? Nevertheless, I had a fabulous long weekend consisting of early morning workouts, fishing with the fam, a few sessions at the beach, and a couple of first class barbecues. Read more »
southwestern quinoa with chili lime dressing
bok in a wok
“Gimme bok choy and I don’t care…Gimme bok choy and I don’t care…” “Bok, bok, bok-in on heaven’s door…” These are just a couple of anthems that echoed through my kitchen this past Sunday. Fortunately, my husband appreciates – or at least forgives - my quirky sense of humor and less than dandy singing voice. Read more »
strawberry crumbles
In the past, I’ve pigeonholed strawberries as a dessert garnish, component of a fruit salad, or vessel for chocolate consumption (at best). You know, more of a supporting role than a star? Well, that forever changed this weekend…. Read more »
food and adventure in my own backyard
This past weekend was a special one for us as we celebrated our one-year wedding anniversary. And, boy, did we do it right, despite some less than ideal weather and last minute planning. It’s no secret that we’re always looking for an excuse to travel and we had been vacillating back and forth about whether or not to take a trip in the weeks leading up to it. Ultimately, we decided that on the heels of such an amazing jaunt in Argentina, international travel wasn’t really in our budget for this year’s anniversary. And then came Google… Read more »