Yes, you read the title correctly: chewy white chocolate cherry pecan oatmeal cookies. Now, say that ten times fast. Go!
Today is the posting date for the the 2012 Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap. This is my second year participating in this rad event run by Love & Olive Oil and The Little Kitchen. The G.F.B.C.S. is a modernized version of the cookie swaps our moms did when we were kids, with a dash of surprise. Read more »
whole grain apple crisp
My money's on the hypothesis that Eve would have tempted Adam a little quicker had she served up some of this warm apple crisp with a healthy dollop of vanilla ice cream... There's something about this rustic fall dessert that makes you feel like everything's going to be okay. It's a warm embrace on a crisp fall day and, as far as I'm concerned, the epitome of dessert comfort food. Read more »